About Disney Premier Access (available for a fee)


This service, available for a fee, will allow guests to select designated times to be admitted to and enjoy certain experiences.

  • Each Park ticket can be used to purchase one Disney Premier Access.
    ・Access to an experience will be permitted for one guest per Disney Premier Access.
    ・Disney Premier Access may not be shared with another person.
  • Guests ages 3 and under will be able to access the experience with an accompanying person who has purchased Disney Premier Access.
    Seating/viewing areas for children (ages 3 and under) when viewing parades/shows

To Experience an Attraction

Guests can select a designated time in advance, and enjoy an attraction of their choice with a shorter wait time.
  • Each Park ticket can be used to purchase one Disney Premier Access.
  • You will be able to purchase Disney Premier Access for another attraction 60 minutes after purchasing Disney Premier Access, or after the start time of your purchased Disney Premier Access, whichever is earlier.
  • If you would like to purchase Disney Premier Access for the same attraction again, you may do so after using the Disney Premier Access you have purchased or after the designated time to use your Disney Premier Access has passed.

To View a Parade / Show

Guests can select a designated time for admission in advance, and enjoy parades or shows from a designated viewing area.
  • Each Park ticket can be used to purchase one Disney Premier Access.
  • You will be able to purchase Disney Premier Access for another parade or show 60 minutes after purchasing Disney Premier Access, or after the admission time of your purchased Disney Premier Access (for parades or shows,) whichever is earlier.
  • If you would like to purchase Disney Premier Access for the same parade or show that will be presented again on the same day, you may do so after using the Disney Premier Access you have purchased or after the admission time of your purchased Disney Premier Access.
  • The viewing locations within the seating/viewing area will be specified in advance. On your day of visit, please view the performance from the designated seat, or specified location with a corresponding number at your feet (the number indicating your specified location will be displayed on the screen of your mobile device after you have completed your purchase of Disney Premier Access).
  • In consideration of other guests, please refrain from using umbrellas in the viewing area during the entertainment program. If you wish to use an umbrella, then you may be requested to view the performance from a different area.

Seating/viewing areas for children (ages 3 and under) when viewing parades/shows

  • For performances with designated seats or specified locations within viewing areas, children ages 3 and under may be seated on the lap of an accompanying adult with a park ticket, or view the performance together from the same specified location within the viewing area.
  • If there are more than one child ages 3 and under per accompanying adult with a park ticket, please select "More than one child ages 3 and under per accompanying adult" and enter the number of children in your party.
  • The number of additional seats (available free of charge) cannot exceed the number of park tickets being used to purchase Disney Premier Access. If you require additional seats / specified locations within viewing areas (for guests ages 3 and under) that exceed the number of park tickets, please contact a cast member, before purchasing your Disney Premier Access, at the following locations.
    At Tokyo Disneyland:
    Main Street House
    At Tokyo DisneySea:
    Guest Relations
  • A cast member may check the number of children ages 3 and under in your party before admission.
  • For some performances, designated viewing areas will be available without seating or specified locations. In such cases, children ages 3 and under can view the performance together with those in their party regardless of the number of guests with park tickets.


Guests may purchase Disney Premier Access for an attraction and a parade/show at the same time.

  • Disney Premier Access can be purchased by using the Tokyo Disney Resort App.
  • Credit cards, debit cards, and prepaid cards are accepted as methods of payment for purchases using the Tokyo Disney Resort App. Please see here for more information about the credit cards and other cards accepted.
  • Disney Premier Access is available in limited numbers and may sell out. Please check the Tokyo Disney Resort App in advance for availability.
  • Downloading the Tokyo Disney Resort App on your smartphone in advance of your visit is recommended.
  • Guests who do not have the Tokyo Disney Resort App, and/or a credit card, debit card, or prepaid card will be able to purchase Disney Premier Access at the locations. Read more

ご利用にはMyDisney (マイディズニー) アカウントへのユーザー登録、ログインが必要です。

To use the Tokyo Disney Resort App, you must log in with a registered MyDisney Account.

遊客必須先註冊 MyDisney Account 並以該帳號登入,方可使用本服務。

使用东京迪士尼度假区官方App,游客须注册或登录MyDisney Account。

이용하시기 위해서는 MyDisney Account 회원가입, 로그인이 필요합니다.

Disney Premier Access Experiences



・From July 16, 2025, Disney Premier Access will be available for the new show, "Dreams Take Flight," to be presented at Hangar Stage.
・自 2025 年 7 月 16 日起,飛機庫舞台全新娛樂表演「夢想起飛」發行迪士尼尊享卡。
・행거스테이지의 신규 공연 '드림스 테이크 플라이트'는 2025년 7월 16일부터 디즈니 프리미어 액세스 대상입니다.


  Disney Premier Access Experience Price
Parade/Show Believe! Sea of Dreams 2,500 yen per access
Big Band Beat: A Special Treat 2,500 yen per access
Dreams Take Flight 2,500 yen per access
Attractions Anna and Elsa’s Frozen Journey 2,000 yen per access
Rapunzel's Lantern Festival 2,000 yen per access
Peter Pan’s Never Land Adventure 2,000 yen per access
Soaring: Fantastic Flight 2,000 yen per access
Toy Story Mania! 2,000 yen per access
Tower of Terror 1,500 yen per access
Journey to the Center of the Earth 1,500 yen per access

  • The fee above does not include the cost of a Park ticket.
  • Each Park ticket can be used to purchase one Disney Premier Access (access for one guest per Disney Premier Access).

please check the page to select the experiences under Disney Premier Access in Tokyo Disney Resort App.

For more information, please check the page to select the experiences under Disney Premier Access in Tokyo Disney Resort App.

How to purchase Disney Premier Access


Step 1: Preparation

First, tap "Disney Premier Access" under "My Plan" on your Tokyo Disney Resort App.

Select the Park tickets for all members of your party.

Step 2: Park ticket verification

Select the Park tickets for all members of your party.

  • If you have a printed ticket, then scan the code on the ticket by tapping "Scan".
  • Please make a purchase for everyone in your party together. If you purchase separately, you may not be able to select the same time for everyone in your party, or view the performance from the same location.
  • Children ages 3 or under do not need a Disney Premier Access. (A child age 3 or under will be able to enter the venue if an accompanying adult made a purchase for Disney Premier Access.)
  • Only the Park tickets used for admission on the day of visit can be used to purchase Disney Premier Access.

Tap the price for the experience you wish to select.

Step 3: Select experience

Tap the price for the experience you wish to select.

The selections that are not available will be displayed as “Unavailable”.

Select and tap the time for the experience.

Step 4: Select time

Select and tap the time for the experience.

The selections that are not available will be displayed as “Unavailable”.

Check experience, time and quantity, select payment method, and tap OK.

Step 5: Check details

Check experience, time and quantity, select payment method, and tap OK.

  • After tapping OK, your payment will be processed. You will not be able to cancel or change your purchase after tapping OK. Please check your selections carefully before making the purchase.

The time for your Disney Premier Access experience will be displayed under “My Plan” on your app.

Step 6: Check results

The time for your Disney Premier Access experience will be displayed under “My Plan” on your app.

To see the next available time you can purchase Disney Premier Access, tap "Disney Premier Access" under "My Plan."

Guests who do not have the Tokyo Disney Resort App, and/or a credit card, debit card, or prepaid card will be able to purchase Disney Premier Access at the following locations.

At Tokyo DisneySea
・Guest Relations (all day)
・Park Information at Fantasy Springs (until 9:30 a.m.)
・Valentina's Sweets (until 10:45 a.m.)
・Lost River Outfitters (all day)

- Depending on the operating conditions at these locations, Disney Premier Access may not be available for purchase. Please contact a Cast Member for details on your day of visit.


Using a Disney Premier Access

Go to the venue at the time indicated on the Disney Premier Access.
Please enter the venue from the entrance specified on the App.

Display your Disney Premier Access

Step 1: Display your Disney Premier Access

From the experiences listed under "My Plan" of Tokyo Disney Resort App, tap “Display code”.

  • The code will be displayed when you are able to access the experience.

Step 2: Scan the code onto the reader

At the entrance of the venue, scan the Park tickets of all members of your party or the code displayed on your smartphone onto the reader.


  • 本サービスは、当日、指定対象施設の指定利用時間のみ有効です。
  • 運営状況等により、実施しない日や時間帯があります。
  • システム調整や天候等の都合により、予告なく運営を中止することがあります。当社の責により中止した場合に限り、代金の返金または代替施設利用をご案内いたします。詳しくは施設のキャストにおたずねください。
  • パレード/ショーが中止となった場合は、代金を返金いたします。天候や運営状況によるパレード/ショーの内容変更、開演/終演時間や鑑賞方法について予告なく変更があった場合については、返金いたしません。ただし、フロートが停止する演出が予定されているパレードにおいて、天候等の理由によりご購入されたエリアでフロートが停止する演出が行われなかった場合、返金いたします。詳しくはキャストにおたずねください。
  • あらかじめ対象施設の利用基準(身長制限等)をご確認の上、ご購入ください。施設の利用条件を満たしていない方は、ディズニー・プレミアアクセスを購入された場合でも、利用できません。
  • ほかの時間指定サービスを利用する場合や、パレード/ショーをご覧になる場合などは、本サービスで指定した利用時間と重ならないようにご注意ください。
  • ゲストご自身の都合による、購入後の対象施設、利用時間の変更、キャンセル、返金などはいたしかねます。
  • ディズニー・プレミアアクセスの指定時間を過ぎた場合は、利用できません。なお、この場合は、変更、キャンセル、返金はいたしません。
  • 有償無償を問わず他人に譲渡することはできません。不正転売等の違反行為が確認された場合、ディズニー・プレミアアクセスについて(違反行為の対象であるか否かを問わず)無効処理するものとします。また、この場合、無効処理したディズニー・プレミアアクセスの返金はいたしません。
  • 東京ディズニーリゾート・アプリでの18才未満の方のご購入には、保護者の方の同意が必要です。

Regarding Disney Premier Access

  • Disney Premier Access is valid for use only on the day of your visit, during the designated time for the experience selected.
  • Disney Premier Access may be unavailable on certain days or times depending on operating conditions.
  • Operations may be suspended without notice due to technical difficulties, weather conditions, or other reasons. Refunds will be made, or access to a replacement experience will be offered, only in cases when we are liable for the suspension of operations. Please contact a Cast Member at the venue for details.
  • In the event that a parade/show is canceled, a refund will be made. A refund will not be made for cases when changes are made to parade/show contents due to weather or operating conditions, start and end times of performances, and the method of viewing performances without prior notice. However, refunds will be made if you have purchased Disney Premier Access to view a parade from a designated area, but the floats did not make a stop at the designated area during the performance as scheduled due to weather or other conditions. For more information, please contact a Cast Member.
  • Please check the restrictions for each experience (such as for height) before making a purchase. You will not be able to enter the venue if you do not meet the applicable requirements, even if you have purchased Disney Premier Access.
  • Please be careful not to select a time for a Disney Premier Access experience that may overlap with those for other bookings.
  • Changes to the experience or time, cancellations or refunds will not be accepted after purchase.
  • Disney Premier Access will become invalid after the designated time of the experience selected. Changes, cancellations, or refund requests will not be accepted in such cases.
  • Your Disney Premier Access cannot be transferred to a third party whether as a gift or for profit. Violations will result in invalidating your eligibility (regardless of whether or not the Disney Premier Access was for resale, etc.). In addition, refund requests will not be accepted for Disney Premier Access which was invalidated as a result.
  • Guests under age 18 wishing to make a purchase using the Tokyo Disney Resort App will require a consent from the guardian.


  • 本服務僅適用於遊客來園當日指定的適用設施入場時段。
  • 園方有可能依營運狀況等因素而無實施。
  • 園方有可能依系統維修或天候等影響,而不經預告暫停個別設施的營運。僅暫停營運的責任歸屬於本公司時,園方將受理遊客退款或提供替代設施。詳情請洽該設施的演藝人員。
  • 若遊行表演/娛樂表演取消,園方將受理遊客退款。若遊行表演/娛樂表演的演出內容、開演或結束時刻、觀賞方式等依天候或營運狀況不經預告而變更,園方將無法受理遊客退款。但遊客若購買有遊行花車定點演出的遊行表演,依天候等因素而取消指定區域的定點演出,園方將受理遊客退款。詳情請洽演藝人員。
  • 請事先確認適用設施的規定(例如:身高限制等),再購買迪士尼尊享卡。持有迪士尼尊享卡的遊客若未能符合設施規定,將無法入場。
  • 遊客若希望使用其他指定時段的服務,或觀賞遊行表演/娛樂表演,請留意該時段、場次是否與迪士尼尊享卡的指定時段重疊。
  • 遊客於購買迪士尼尊享卡後,將無法因自身因素變更適用設施、指定時段,亦無法辦理取消或退款。
  • 若迪士尼尊享卡已逾指定時段,將視同無效。屆時,遊客無法辦理變更、取消、退款。
  • 請勿出售或轉讓迪士尼尊享卡。若園方發現不當轉賣等違反規定之行為,該迪士尼尊享卡(不論持有的遊客是否違反規定)將視同無效。屆時,無效的迪士尼尊享卡亦無法退款。
  • 未滿 18 歲的遊客由東京迪士尼度假區官方 App(英文版)購買迪士尼尊享卡時,須取得監護人同意。


  • 迪士尼尊享卡仅限购买当天在指定适用设施的指定体验时段内有效。
  • 根据运营情况等,部分日期或时段可能会暂停实施。
  • 由于系统调整或天气等原因,可能在无事先通告的情况下暂停运营。仅限因本公司的责任而导致暂停运营的情况,将提供退款或体验替代设施。详情请咨询相关设施的演艺人员。
  • 若游行表演/娱乐表演暂停演出,将提供退款。若因天气或园区运营情况,导致游行表演/娱乐表演的内容发生变更、开演/结束时间或观赏方式无事先通知而发生变更,则不提供退款。但是,对于中途有花车停留演出的游行表演,若因天气等原因,导致购买迪士尼尊享卡的游客在指定区域观赏花车停留演出的内容取消时,园方将予以退款。详情请咨询演艺人员。
  • 请事先确认适用设施的体验标准(例如身高限制等)再进行购买。不符合设施体验标准的游客,即使已购买迪士尼尊享卡也无法体验。
  • 如需利用其他指定时段的服务,或观赏游行表演/娱乐表演等,请注意不要与迪士尼尊享卡的指定体验时段重合。
  • 恕不对因游客自身原因造成的损失负责,包括对游客已购买的迪士尼尊享卡的适用设施、体验时段进行变更、取消,且不予退款等。
  • 若超过迪士尼尊享卡的指定体验时段,该卡将无法使用。该情况下将不予变更、取消以及退款。
  • 无论有偿或无偿,均不可将迪士尼尊享卡转让给他人。若发现有非法倒卖等违反规定的行为,迪士尼尊享卡(无论持有该卡的游客是否有违反行为)将视为无效。该情况下,已做无效处理的迪士尼尊享卡将不予退款。
  • 未满18周岁的游客通过东京迪士尼度假区官方App购买迪士尼尊享卡,须取得监护人同意。

【주의해 주십시오】

  • 이 서비스는 이용 당일, 지정 대상 시설의 지정 이용 시간에만 유효합니다.
  • 운영 상황 등에 따라 실시하지 않는 날이나 시간대가 있습니다.
  • 시스템 조정이나 날씨 등의 사정에 따라 예고 없이 운영을 중지할 수 있습니다. 당사의 책임으로 중지한 경우에 한하여 대금 환불 또는 대체 시설 이용을 안내해 드립니다. 자세한 사항은 시설에 있는 디즈니 도우미에게 문의해 주십시오.
  • 퍼레이드/공연이 중지된 경우에는 대금을 환불해 드립니다. 날씨나 운영 상황에 따라 퍼레이드/공연 내용이 변경되거나 시작/종료 시간과 관람 방법이 예고 없이 변경된 경우에는 환불이 불가능합니다. 단, 플로트가 정지하는 연출이 예정된 퍼레이드에서 날씨 등의 이유로 인하여 구매하신 구역에서 플로트가 정지하는 연출이 실시되지 않은 경우, 환불해 드립니다. 자세한 사항은 디즈니 도우미에게 문의해 주십시오.
  • 미리 대상 시설의 이용 기준(신장 제한 등)을 확인하시고 구매해 주십시오. 시설 이용 조건을 충족하지 않는 분은 디즈니 프리미어 액세스를 구매하신 경우에도 이용이 불가능합니다.
  • 다른 시간 지정 서비스를 이용할 경우나 퍼레이드/공연을 관람할 경우 등에는 이 서비스로 지정한 이용 시간과 겹치지 않도록 주의해 주십시오.
  • 단순 변심으로 인한 구매 후의 대상 시설 및 이용 시간의 변경, 취소, 환불 등은 불가능합니다.
  • 디즈니 프리미어 액세스의 지정 이용 시간이 지난 경우에는 이용이 불가능합니다. 이러한 경우, 변경, 취소, 환불은 불가능합니다.
  • 유상, 무상을 불문하고 타인에게 양도하실 수 없습니다. 부정 전매 등의 위반 행위가 확인된 경우, 디즈니 프리미어 액세스(위반 행위 여부 관계 없음)를 무효 처리합니다. 이러한 경우, 무효 처리한 디즈니 프리미어 액세스의 환불은 불가능합니다.
  • 도쿄디즈니리조트 앱에서 만 18세 미만인 분이 구매하기 위해서는 보호자의 동의가 필요합니다.

  • The photos of the screen from the app are concept images only, and may differ from the actual page.