
image of Mailboxes1

Letters and postcards sent from the Park will be imprinted with a Tokyo Disneyland commemorative design and taken to the post office.

There are 9 mailboxes at various locations throughout the Park including World Bazaar. Letters sent from the Park will be imprinted with a Tokyo Disneyland commemorative design and taken to the post office.


Area Park-wide
Mailbox locations
  • World Bazaar (four locations)
  • Adventureland
  • Westernland
  • Fantasyland (two locations)
  • Tomorrowland

Commemorative Design Imprints

  • The commemorative design is not always connected to the special event.
  • You cannot chose the design.
  • The maximum length of the design is 5.5 cm.
  • The design may cover wording, graphics, and addresses on the postal item.
  • Depending on the shape or size of the postal item, part of the design may be obscured.
  • Paper type, finish and color can affect the quality of the imprint.
  • A sample of the design can be seen at House of Greetings.
  • After the letter is imprinted with the design, it will be delivered to the post office; therefore, the postmark will differ from the date that the letter was put in the mailbox.
  • The date of the imprinted design will be the date that the letter was put in the mailbox.

-Postage stamps are required and can be purchased at shops near the mailboxes.


