Waterfront Park (Disney Character Greeting)NEW
Disney character greetings for LinaBell and CookieAnn will be held over different periods. - Depending on the circumstances, tickets may be distributed at Waterfront Park which will be required to experience the Disney character greeting. When experiencing the greeting, please go to the venue with your entire party.
Disney characters -
LinaBell: January 15 through February 24, 2025
CookieAnn: February 25 through March 31, 2025
Disney character greetings for LinaBell and CookieAnn will be held over different periods at Waterfront Park in American Waterfront.
The greeting for LinaBell will take place from January 15 through February 24, 2025. CookieAnn will follow, and will greet guests from February 25 through March 31, 2025.
- Depending on the circumstances, tickets may be distributed at Waterfront Park which will be required to experience the Disney character greeting. When experiencing the greeting, please go to the venue with your entire party.
Area | American Waterfront |

- お手持ちのカメラでの撮影は、1グループにつき1枚です。
- 撮影は、天候・その他の理由により、中止になる可能性があります。
- 現在、フォトグラファーによる撮影は行っておりません。(ミッキーの家とミート・ミッキー、ミニーのスタイルスタジオを除く)
- Please limit the photo-taking to one shot per party when using your own camera.
- Depending on the weather and other circumstances, photo-taking may be suspended.
- Currently, professional photographers are not available to take pictures. (Excluding Mickey's House and Meet Mickey and Minnie's Style Studio, where professional photographers are available.)
- 每組遊客僅限以 1 台自備相機與迪士尼明星合照 1 次。
- 拍照體驗有可能依天候等因素而取消。
- 攝影師的拍照服務現無實施。(米奇公館會米奇、米妮時尚工作室除外)
- 使用自己携带的相机拍照时,每组游客限拍摄一张照片。
- 可能会因天气等原因而临时取消拍照。
- 目前不提供专业摄影师拍照服务。(仅限米奇公馆会米奇和米妮时尚工作室提供该项服务)
- 소지하신 카메라로 사진 촬영을 하실 경우, 한 그룹당 1장만 촬영하실 수 있습니다.
- 촬영은 날씨, 그 밖의 이유로 인해 중지될 가능성이 있습니다.
- 현재 포토그래퍼는 촬영을 실시하지 않습니다. (미키의 집과 미트 미키, 미니의 스타일 스튜디오 제외)